I am a PhD student from Cork in Ireland. I am studying baleen whale ecology at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology using stable isotope analysis and molecular genetics. My project is primarily investigating fin and humpback whales in Irish waters whose movements and ecology are poorly studied to date. I received an Ireland-Newfoundland Partnership grant to visit Memorial University of Newfoundland to take baleen samples for my project, so I'mlooking forward to spending a few days there when we get ashore. Bill Montevecchi kindly secured me a place on this cruise as a seabird and marine mammal surveyor.
I have surveyed on several research cruises in the eastern North Atlantic, but this is my first time at sea on this side of the pond. I'm enjoying the sunshine (a rare treat in Ireland!) and the slightly different selection of bird species. The good food, company, weather and abundance of blubber are making the cruise very enjoyable!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Student Profile: Conor Ryan
Student Profile: Cherisse Du Preez
Surprisingly, I’m not breathing compressed air, my feet aren’t wet, and I’m not enclosed in a foot-thick sphere of steel. It feels like I could be on the bottom of the ocean but I’m actually in a comfy armchair, coffee and ginger cookie at my side, aboard a Canadian Coast Guard Vessel. I’m surrounded by a dozen of my peers and the room we’re in would be pitch dark if it wasn’t for the twenty-two huge flat screen monitors displaying, in real-time, the deep seafloor from hundreds to thousands of meters directly below us. It’s misleading to refer to it as the “deep sea”, what I’m looking at could be mistaken for the tropics, some coral reef in Thailand or Bahamas, not the temperate Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Nova Scotia. The colours of the rainbow are splashed all over the seafloor: sponges, anemones, hydroids, and corals cover seemingly every inch of rock there is, and schools of fish swarm in huge groups above them.
That should elude to a bit about me but let me formally introduce myself, “Hi , my names Cherisse Du Preez and I’m a PhD candidate at the University of Victoria, British Columbia”. I’m one those lucky people that work their dream job (even Gorge Costanza from Seinfeld wishes he had my job), I’m a marine biologist. I’ve temporally joined the crew of the CCGS Hudson to explore the ocean depths with the remotely operated platform for ocean science, or ROPOS. My part to play in our dives to the seafloor is a story staring deep-sea sponges, corals, and rockfish. Basically the story goes something like this: seafloor structure is to some bottom fish like trees are to birds. I am investigating fishing practices which trawl to catch their target fish and the impact on the preferred structural habitat of sponges and corals. I’ve already done work on this subject on the West coast of Canada and CHONe, with its nationwide scientific initiative, is giving me the opportunity to replicate that work on the East coast of Canada. The video imagery we collect during this cruise will feed directly into my PhD thesis, as well as open up doors for collaborations with other CHONe students and scientists.
Cherisse Du Preez
CHONe Outreach and Student Committee member
Researcher Profile: Anna Metaxas
Anna Metaxas is a benthic ecologist, interested in the factors that regulate populations of marine invertebrates, particularly early life-history stages, in different habitats ranging from the shallow subtidal to the deep sea and from temperate regions to the tropics. She holds a BSc in Ecology from
On this cruise, Anna and her students (Myriam Lacharité and Jessie Short) are continuing a long-term project that aims to identify potential dispersal pathways and associated patterns in population connectivity across the different habitats in the Discovery Corridor. These habitats include relatively shallow (150-300 m depth) muddy and sandy bottoms, and rocky outcrops in the
Saturday July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Jordan Basin Dives
Jordan Basin Dives
Because of some unfortunate heavier than expected wind and a medical emergency bringing us into port in Shelburne our first two sites (Brown's Channel and German Bank) have been postponed. Our first dive will now commence in Jordan Basin.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Cruise Schedule
Overview of Hudson Cruise 033 2010
The 2010 mission is the second of two explorations of the offshore portions of the Gulf of Maine Discovery Corridor, jointly funded by the Canadian Healthy Oceans Network (CHONe), National Science Research Council (NSERC), and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Specifically, the scientific programs are undertaken by researchers and students from Dalhousie University, Memorial University, Université Laval, and University of Victoria, in collaboration with DFO researchers from DFO's Maritimes Region (Bedford Institute of Oceanography and St. Andrews Biological Station). The general objective is to increase our knowledge of the Discovery Corridor and it's species from shallow to relatively unstudied deeper depths.