I’m on a “bus mans” holiday. No worries about underwater camera systems, winches or cables, the amazing team from ROPOS is taking care of the underwater work while I shoot video for a DVD on Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)’s involvement with CHONe (Canadian Healthy Oceans Network) and the Census for Marine Life. So far we’ve had great weather and I’ve shot some good footage but I’m excited about getting off the Hudson on to the FRC (Fast Recovery Craft) and shooting from the water, which always provides great footage. This DVD is going to be the first full HD video I’ve done and with the fantastic underwater HD footage from ROPOS the results should be spectacular.
After 25 years of going to sea on the Hudson and with 55-year-old eyes I’m looking forward to working with Cherisse Du Preez from the University of Victoria on the CHONe video. A young set of eyes and a youthful perspective will certainly help this video get the information to the students that are our target audience.
Senior Oceanographic Photographic Technician
Bedford Institute of Oceanography